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Bondhus Tools

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Welcome to our page listing our range of Bondhus Tools
We list Bondhus tools throughout our website where they are relevant to our fixings range and
also on our general Tools page, but this page shows all our Bondhus tools together.

Bondhus manufacture a huge range of hand tools and so if the item you are looking for is not
listed here, please let us know for a no obligation quote.
Most items from the Bondhus catalogue are available in a matter of just a few days.

Please scroll down the page to peruse our range or click on the images below go straight to a particular section




Hex/Ball Drivers
Metric sizes
  Hex/Ball Drivers
Inch sizes
  Hex/Ball Driver Sets
Metric and Inch sizes

Hex/Ball Keys
Metric and Inch sizes
  Hex/Ball Key Sets
Metric and Inch sizes
  Hex/Ball Driver sets
Metric sizes

Hex/Ball Tee Handle
Metric and Inch sizes
  Swivel Head Wrenches
Metric and Inch sizes
  Nut Spinners
Metric sizes



 Metric Hexagon Ball-Drivers

 Bondhus high quality tools for fast off-centre driving of
Metric hexagon socket head screws

Please note that the sizes below are the A/F dimension, the across flats dimension of the socket they fit. This is not the metric screw size they are used to tighten. As an example, an M2 metric cap screw requires a 1.5mm A/F driver, not a 2mm driver.
If in doubt of the size you require, please refer to our Tools page where you will find a table of driver sizes for various screw types and sizes.

A/F dim

length (mm)

length (mm)
MF Ref Price
You can enter/change the number of items on the order form
1.27 65 55 MF-BD-13 £2.95

1.5 65 55 MF-BD-15 £2.95

2.0 70
(std length)
55 MF-BD-20 £2.95

2.0 98
(long series)
55 MF-BD-20L £3.55

2.0 275
(extra long series)
55 MF-BD-20XL £8.25

2.5 70
(std length)
60 MF-BD-25 £2.95

2.5 110
(long series)
60 MF-BD-25L £3.25

3.0 85
(std length)
85 MF-BD-30 £2.95

3.0 158
(long series)
85 MF-BD-30L £3.95

4.0 95 105 MF-BD-40 £3.95

4.0 180
(long series)
105 MF-BD-40L £4.75

5.0 110 110 MF-BD-50 £4.55



 Imperial (Inch sizes) Hexagon Ball-Drivers
Bondhus high quality tools for fast off-centre driving of UNC,
UNF, BSW, BSF hexagon socket head screws
A/F dim



MF Ref

Price You can enter/change the number of items on the order form
inches (mm) length (mm) Length (mm) Each 
0.05" (1.27) 60 44 MF-BD-60 £2.95

1/16" (1.6) 64 54 MF-BD-62 £2.95

5/64" (1.98) 68 54 MF-BD-64 £3.25

3/32" (2.4) 70 62 MF-BD-66 £3.25

7/64" (2.8) 75 62 MF-BD-68 £3.45

1/8" (3.2) 75 62 MF-BD-69 £3.45

9/64" (3.6) 82 88 MF-BD-70 £3.45

5/32" (4.0) 90 108 MF-BD-72 £3.65



 Hexagon Ball-Driver Sets
Metric and Inch sizes
Ball driver sets are supplied in a tough plastic pouch with reinforced hanging eyelet
Pack contents MF Ref Price
You can enter/change the number of items on the order form
Metric Set of 6 (1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3, 4, and 5mm A/F) MF-BD-MS6 £18.95

Inch size of 8 (0.05, 1/16, 5/64, 3/32, 7/64,
1/8, 9/64 & 5/32 inch A/F)
MF-BD-IS8 £24.50



Bondhus Single Hex/Ball Keys
Hardened steel 'L' form wrenches - black finish
Long Series with hex/ball on the end of the long arm
Allows driving at  up to 25 degrees off-centre.
A/F dim

 Length (mm)

Pack Qty

MF Ref

Price   You can enter/change the number of items on the order form
(nom key size)
1.27mm (0.05") 72 1 MF-HKB-13 £1.10

1.5mm 78 1 MF-HKB-15 £1.10

1.6mm (1/16") 78 1 MF-HKB-16 £1.10

2.0mm 83 1 MF-HKB20 £1.10

2.4mm (3/32") 88 1 MF-HKB-24 £1.15

2.5mm 92 1 MF-HKB-25 £1.20

2.8mm (7/64") 92 1 MF-HKB-28 £1.25

3mm 102 1 MF-HKB-30 £1.25

3.2mm (1/8") 98 1 MF-HKB-32 £1.25

4mm 115 1 MF-HKB-40 £1.60

5mm 125 1 MF-HKB-50 £1.80

For our range of plain Hex-End Keys, please go to our Tools page

Bondhus Single Hex/Ball
Key Sets
Individual keys as detailed above supplied
in a graduated holder.
Set type No of
Includes MF Ref Price You can enter/change the number of items on the order form
(Red Holder)
6 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5mm MF-HKBS1 £9.95

(Red Holder)
7 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5,
MF-HKBS5 £12.95

(Red Holder)
10 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 10mm
MF-HKBS3 £23.50

(Yellow holder)
8 0.05, 1/16, 5/64, 3/32,
7/64, 1/8, 9/64, 5/32"
MF-HKBS2 £10.55

(Yellow holder)
12 0.05, 1/16, 5/64, 3/32,
7/64, 1/8, 9/64, 5/32,
3/16, 7/32, 1/4, 5/16"
MF-HKBS4 £18.75




Metric & Inch sizes Fold-Up Hexagon ('Allen') key sets

Bondhus high quality fold up allen keys mounted in
a soft feel ergonomic casing.
Keys can be opened through a full 180 degree arc, which enables continuous driving in tight spots without the need to continuously re-insert the key.

Hex sizes included

MF Ref

Price You can enter/change the number of items on the order form
Metric 1.5,2,2.5,3,4,5,6mm MF-BFK-10 £6.45

(Red handle)

0.05, 1/16, 5/64, 3/32, 7/64, 1/8, 9/64, 5/32, 3/16"

MF-BFK-20 £7.30

(Yellow handle)
Twin Set Deal Order both the above sets and save 10% MF-BFK-30 £12.40



Tee Handle Hex Drivers
Metric Sizes (Red handle)
Soft feel handles with steel core




You can enter/change the number of items on the order form
2.0 135 80 MF-TH-20 £4.95

2.5 155 80 MF-TH-25 £4.95

3.0 185 80 MF-TH-30 £4.95

4.0* 220 80 MF-TH-40 £5.95

5.0* 225 80 MF-TH-50 £6.25

* 4.0 and 5.0 sizes are ball ended allowing slightly off-line driving. Smaller sizes are straight hex shaft.


Tee Handle Hex Drivers
Inch Sizes (Yellow handle)
Soft feel handles with steel core
Inch (mm)




You can enter/change the number of items on the order form
3/32" (2.4mm) 140 80 MF-TH-332 £4.95

7/64" (2.8mm) 160 80 MF-TH-764 £4.95

9/64" (3.6mm)* 140 80 MF-TH-964 £4.95

5/32" (3.97mm)* 140 80 MF-TH-532 £4.95

3/16" (4.75mm)* 135 100 MF-TH-316 £5.65

* 9/64", 5/32" and 3/16" sizes are ball ended allowing slightly off-line driving. Smaller sizes are straight hex shaft.



Swivel Head Wrenches
Metric sizes

These wrenches are particularly useful for driving Socket Cap screws, Button heads and Grub screws where nearby obstructions make access awkward. By altering the angle of the long handle, screws can be rotated without having to repeatedly remove the driver from the socket.
Both ends are hexagonal so the wrench can also be used as a long reach allen key.

A/F (mm)
Suitable For Driving: Short
Length (mm)
Length (mm)
MF Ref Price
You can enter/change the number of items on the order form
3 M4 M5 M6 25 100 MF-BSHW3 £8.25

4 M5 M6 M8 31 107 MF-BSHW4 £8.25

5 M6 M8 M10 35 121 MF-BSHW5 £8.25

6 & 8
Set of 5 Wrenches MF-BSHW8 £44.75



Bondhus Nut Spinners
 Bondhus nut spinners have large grip soft feel handles with shafts that are partially hollow to enable nuts to be screwed onto screws and bolts with protruding threads.  Bondhus nut driver shafts also feature a hexagon section to enable a final 'nip up' with an open jawed spanner.

A/F dim
For metric
MF Ref Price
You can enter/change the number of items on the order form
4 M2 (inc nylocs)
76 176 MF-NS04B £8.00

5 M2.5
76 176 MF-NS05B £8.00

5.5 M3 76 176 MF-NS055B £8.00

6 M3.5 76 176 MF-NS06B £8.00

7 M4 76 176 MF-NS07B £8.75

8 M5
76 176 MF-NS08B £8.75

10 M6 76 176 MF-NS10B £9.35





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