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New Feature!


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We're well aware of our responsibilities to the environment and the desire to reduce plastic waste as much as we can.

Inevitably, until a viable alternative is available, we do have to pack the majority of our small products in plastic bags, however we do always use reusable grip seal packaging where possible which enables you to store part used packs and/or re-use the bags whenever possible (unlike many suppliers who use heat sealed or staple closed packages which, once opened, are difficult to re-use and almost certainly end up in the bin).

In order to reduce the amount of plastic we send you, if you click on our 'Consolidate My Order' button then whenever possible
we'll put multiple quantities of the same item into single packs.

For instance, if your order contains 3 packets of 10 M2x10 cap screws and 2 packets 20 M2 washers, if you click on the 'Consolidate my Order' button we'll send you 1 pack of 30 screws and 1 pack of 40 washers. We can't mix packs of different items as this makes predispatch checking of your order very difficult.

You only need to click on the button once when compiling your order and this can be at the start , at the end, or in the middle of compiling your order and will add the instruction to your order list. Please note that the appearance of your order list will not change apart from the addition of a line of text saying 'consolidate my order', but the items will be consolidate as they are packed for you.

Please note that certain items in our range do need to be packed separately and so may not be consolidated. Also, if consolidated pack sizes would be too large to ship efficiently, we may still have to split large quantities into manageable pack sizes.

Sorry but we can't consolidate part of your order and supply other multiple items unconsolidated. Please consider this if you are ordering items for a group or club etc.

You'll find a 'Consolidate my Order' button at the top of every product page of our website, including this one.

Thank you for helping us to reduce our impact on the environment

Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
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Model Fixings Ltd trading as,,
Registered in England and Wales, Company No 8887251. Vat No GB917415524

Modelfixings is registered and fully compliant with PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) requirements