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We can send you our catalogue by e mail in  PDF format which can be viewed and printed by using Adobe Reader (file size approx 2.5 - 3Mb).

If you do not have Adobe reader installed, you can download it for free by clicking here  Adobe Reader product id image

Your details are kept confidential - the information you submit is for our one-off internal use only and will not be transmitted to any third party,
or used for any further unsolicited e mail etc.

Please note that we cannot currently send a paper copy by post - we add to our range
regularly and so printed catalogues become obsolete soon after being printed.

Please click HERE to send us an e mail request for a catalogue
(this opens your email program and prepares an email - just send it to us and a catalogue will be e mailed to you as soon as possible)

Please note that we cannot send to an '' address as messages with attachments to these e mail adresses are routinely rejected.

In compliance with our privacy policy, we will not contact you again using the e mail address you supply.
If however you prefer to be kept up to date with new versions of our catalogues as they are issued
(approx 2.5 - 3Mb around four times a year) then please make note this on the request e mail.
If you do request to be kept updated, we will of course need to retain your e mail address.
If you later wish to be taken off of the update list, please let us know by e mail.



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