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Servo Bearings

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Many popular economy servos have bushes fitted instead of the ball races used on the higher cost units. Many of these can have the bushes easily replaced with a ball bearing unit at far below the cost of buying the higher spec servo, but giving you the benefits of the higher spec version.

Even the ball bearings higher spec of servos will wear after extensive use, allowing play in the output shaft. Replacing them is easily done and is a fraction of the cost of replacing the whole unit.

Our miniature bearing ref MF-MB-043, (ID 6mm, OD 10mm, 2.5mm wide) is suitable for the following servos (and probably many more !). All the servos below require one bearing per unit :-

All prices include 20% VAT  Click here for details

Servo List
Ball Bearing Replacement  

Ball Bearing Upgrade (Replacing Nylon or Oilite Bushes)

Manufacturer Model Manufacturer Model
Futaba S3001, S3002, S3004 JR NES507
JR NES511, NES517 Acoms AS1, AS3
Robbe FS100 Fleet FPS16
Fleet FPS16B, FPS17b Hitec HS300
Signals SS-2000

To order, click on the 'Add to Order' button alongside the bearing of your choice. You can select the quantity on the order form (default is 1). To continue ordering other items, use the 'Continue Shopping' button on the order form.

You can review and edit your order, or submit your order at any time by using the button at the bottom of each list.

All dimensions are in millimeters

Model Fixings Servo Bearings




Shield type

MF Ref

Pack Qty

Price You can enter/change the number of items on the order form 
6 10 2.5 Open MF-MB-043 1 £3.40

6 10 2.5 Open MF-MB-043 10 £30.60

    This page was last modified on : May 29, 2024

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