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Pricing Explained

Up A.S.P CMB Desert Aircraft DLA DLE Enya Evolution Force GMS HB HP Irvine J'en K & B Laser Magnum Merco McCoy MDS Moki MVVS NGH OS Picco Quadra Rossi RCV Saito SC Stalker STS Super Tigre Thunder Tiger Traxxas Veco Webra West YS Zenoah ZDZ Bearing Enquiries Pricing Explained Complete Engine Bearing List

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The price of good quality bearings are dependant almost entirely upon the quantity that is manufactured and used in industry. This explains why a small miniature bearing can be 3 or 4 times the cost of a larger unit and that often a new bearing set for a large 120 size engine can be much cheaper than a set for a smaller 25 size. Unfortunately, it is also the case that many of the smaller 'miniature' units are now only manufactured in the far east and so the transport costs are reflected in the unit price

At ModelFixings we have a policy of supplying only the best quality units available and you can be confident that the price of the bearings on our pages are based purely upon the bulk price at which we can buy. 

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