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Up A.S.P CMB Desert Aircraft DLA DLE Enya Evolution Force GMS HB HP Irvine J'en K & B Laser Magnum Merco McCoy MDS Moki MVVS NGH OS Picco Quadra Rossi RCV Saito SC Stalker STS Super Tigre Thunder Tiger Traxxas Veco Webra West YS Zenoah ZDZ Bearing Enquiries Pricing Explained Complete Engine Bearing List

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You are here - Home > Engine Bearings > OS

The OS range of engines is very large and so we have split the lists into various types of engine to make finding your model a little easier. Please  click on the buttons below to access the relevant lists for your engine. 

When replacing engine bearings, we recommend both front and rear bearings are replaced together. Unless stated otherwise, 1 front and 1 rear bearing is required per engine.

Due to the extensive OS range, we cannot hope to list all the current and older engines. If you have an engine that is not listed, or the table states 'no data', please  go to the 'Bearing Enquiries' page to send us details - we will almost certainly be able to find you a replacement. We give a 10% discount on our normal bearing selling price when you have given us information which adds to our bearings data lists.

OS 2 Stroke Aero Engines

OS 2 & 4 Stroke Heli Engines

OS Ducted Fan Engines   OS 4 Stroke Aero Engines
OS Car/Buggy   OS by Part Number


 This page was last modified on : October 01, 2024

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