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Wood Screws

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Wood Screws
Screws with a Round head, Flat or Raised countersunk  slot drive plus

rare Hex Socket Cap Head*

Please scroll down the page or click on the appropriate image below to go to each screw type

Brass flat countersunk Brass Raised countersunk Stainless raised countersunk Brass Round Heads *Socket Cap Head Wood Screws
Gauge sizes (0 to 8) & Metric(1.6mm to 3.5mm)
Plated Steel, Stainless Steel, Blacked Steel & Brass

* Our cap head wood screws are listed on a dedicated page - clicking on the image will take to to the socket cap screw page.

Self Tapping Screws
Screws with a Pan head or Flat countersunk

with slot, pozi and Philips drive, plus socket panel screws are listed on our Self Tappers page

  If you were looking for our
socket head servo screws,
please click here or on the image.
      Standard No 2 gauge plus heavy
duty No 3 gaiageoptions,
 grommets, kits and tools.
Gauge sizes (0 to 8) & Metric(1.6mm to 3.5mm)
Plated Steel, Stainless, Blacked Steel & Brass


Using the correct driver is essential for success with miniature self tappers and wood screws so as not to 'round off' the cross or slot head. We stock good quality screw drivers with the correct tips for our very small sizes as these can be difficult to obtain from usual tool suppliers.
If you need a driver, note the driver tip ref in the list below and select the correct driver from the tools listed at the bottom of this page - please scroll down, click on the images or click here


Brass Wood Screws
Slot Countersunk Head
Inch (Gauge) sizes and now also new metric sizes
(all inch dimensions have been converted to metric millimetres for ease of comparison)

Screw Gauge No Approx dia over thread (mm)* Head Dia


Pack Qty

MF Ref

Price   You can enter/change the number of items on the order form
No 0 Gauge
Brass Slot Countersunk
  Sorry - this item is temporarily out of stock
BWS60 size (below) is a close alternative
0 1.5 3.0 6.35mm (1/4") SL0 10 MF-BWS01/10 £1.20

50 MF-BWS01/50 £5.30

  Sorry - this item is currently unavailable
BWS60 & BWS63 size (below) is a close alternative
0 1.5 3.0 9.5mm (3/8") SL0 10 MF-BWS02/10 £1.20

50 MF-BWS02/50 £5.30

New ! Metric 1.6mm Brass Slot Countersunk          
n/a 1.6 3.0 8.0mm SL0 10 MF-BWS60/10 £1.20

50 MF-BWS60/50 £5.30

n/a 1.6 3.0 10.0mm SL0 10 MF-BWS63/10 £1.20

50 MF-BWS63/50 £5.30

n/a 1.6 3.0 12.0mm SL0 10 MF-BWS61/10 £1.20

50 MF-BWS61/50 £5.30

n/a 1.6 3.0 16.0mm SL0 10 MF-BWS62/10 £1.20

50 MF-BWS62/50 £5.30

No 1 Gauge
Brass Slot Countersunk
1 1.8 3.5 9.5mm (3/8") SL1 10 MF-BWS04/10 £1.00

50 MF-BWS04/50 £4.40

1 1.8 3.5 12.7mm (1/2") SL1 10 MF-BWS05/10 £1.00

50 MF-BWS05/50 £4.40

 New ! Metric 2.0mm
Brass Slot Countersunk
n/a 2.0 3.8 8.0mm SL1 10 MF-BWS64/10 £0.90

50 MF-BWS64/50 £4.00

n/a 2.0 3.8 10.0mm SL1 10 MF-BWS67/10 £0.90

50 MF-BWS67/50 £4.00

n/a 2.0 3.8 12.0mm SL1 10 MF-BWS65/10 £0.90

50 MF-BWS65/50 £4.00

n/a 2.0 3.8 16.0mm SL1 10 MF-BWS66/10 £0.90

50 MF-BWS66/50 £4.00

No 2 Gauge
Brass Slot Countersunk
2 2.2 3.9 6.35mm (1/4") SL1 10 MF-BWS06/10 £0.90

50 MF-BWS06/50 £4.00

2 2.2 3.9 9.5mm (3/8") SL1 10 MF-BWS07/10 £0.90

50 MF-BWS07/50 £4.00

2 2.2 3.9 12.7mm (1/2") SL1 10 MF-BWS08/10 £0.90

50 MF-BWS08/50 £4.00

New ! Metric 2.5mm
Brass Slot Countersunk
n/a 2.5 4.7 8.0mm SL1 10 MF-BWS68/10 £0.90

50 MF-BWS68/50 £4.00

n/a 2.5 4.7 12.0mm SL1 10 MF-BWS69/10 £0.90

50 MF-BWS69/50 £4.00

n/a 2.5 4.7 16.0mm SL1 10 MF-BWS70/10 £0.90

50 MF-BWS70/50 £4.00

n/a 2.5 4.7 20.0mm SL1 10 MF-BWS71/10 £0.90

50 MF-BWS71/50 £4.00

No 4 Gauge Brass
Slot Countersunk
4 2.8 5.2 9.5mm (3/8") SL2 10 MF-BWS10/10 £0.90

50 MF-BWS10/50 £4.00

4 2.8 5.2 12.7mm (1/2") SL2 10 MF-BWS11/10 £0.90

50 MF-BWS11/50 £4.00

4 2.8 5.2 19mm (3/4") SL2 10 MF-BWS12/10 £1.00

50 MF-BWS12/50 £4.40

4 2.8 5.2 25.4mm (1") SL2 10 MF-BWS13/10 £1.30

50 MF-BWS13/50 £5.70

No 6 Gauge Brass
Slot Countersunk
6 3.3 6.6 12.7mm (1/2") SL2 10 MF-BWS15/10 £1.20

50 MF-BWS15/50 £5.40

6 3.3 6.6 19mm (3/4") SL2 10 MF-BWS16/10 £1.20

50 MF-BWS16/50 £5.40

6 3.3 6.6 25.4mm (1") SL2 10 MF-BWS17/10 £1.30

50 MF-BWS17/50 £5.70

New ! Metric 3.5mm
Brass Slot Countersunk
n/a 3.5 6.4 12.0mm SL3 10 MF-BWS72/10 £1.20

50 MF-BWS72/50 £5.40

n/a 3.5 6.4 16.0mm SL3 10 MF-BWS73/10 £1.20

50 MF-BWS73/50 £5.40

n/a 3.5 6.4 20.0mm SL3 10 MF-BWS74/10 £1.20

50 MF-BWS74/50 £5.40

* The dimensions stated are approximate and for guidance only.


Brass Wood Screws
Slot Raised Countersunk Head
Solid Brass and Stainless Steel

Raised countersunks have a slightly domed head compared to the flat surface of a plain countersunks
and are used where a more decorative finish is required

Screw Gauge No Approx dia over thread (mm)* Head Dia




Pack Qty

MF Ref

Price   You can enter/change the number of items on the order form
No 4 Gauge Brass
Raised Countersunk
4 2.8 5.2 Brass SL2 12.7mm
10 MF-BWS51/10 £0.90

50 MF-BWS51/50 £4.00

4 2.8 5.2 Brass SL2 19mm
10 MF-BWS52/10 £1.10

50 MF-BWS52/50 £5.00

No 6 Gauge Brass
Raised Countersunk
6 3.3 6.6 Brass SL2 19mm
10 MF-BWS55/10 £1.65

50 MF-BWS55/50 £7.40

6 3.3 6.6 Brass SL2 25mm
10 MF-BWS56/10 £2.00

50 MF-BWS56/50 £9.00

No 4 Gauge Stainless
Raised Countersunk
4 2.8 5.2 Stainless
SL2 9.5mm
10 MF-SWS50/10 £0.90

50 MF-SWS50/50 £4.00

4 2.8 5.2 Stainless
SL2 12.7mm
10 MF-SWS51/10 £0.90

50 MF-SWS51/50 £4.00

4 2.8 5.2 Stainless
SL2 19mm
10 MF-SWS52/10 £0.90

50 MF-SWS52/50 £4.00

4 2.8 5.2 Stainless
SL2 25mm
10 MF-SWS53/10 £1.10

50 MF-SWS53/50 £5.00

No 6 Gauge Stainless
Raised Countersunk
6 3.3 6.6 Stainless
SL2 12.7mm
10 MF-SWS54/10 £0.90

50 MF-SWS54/50 £4.00

6 3.3 6.6 Stainless
SL2 19mm
10 MF-SWS55/10 £1.00

50 MF-SWS55/50 £4.50

6 3.3 6.6 Stainless
SL2 25mm
10 MF-SWS56/10 £1.00

50 MF-SWS56/50 £4.50


Brass Wood Screws
Slot Dome / Round  Head
Inch (Gauge) sizes and now also new metric sizes
(all inch dimensions have been converted to metric millimetres for ease of comparison)

Screw Gauge No Approx dia over thread (mm)* Head Dia


Pack Qty

MF Ref

Price   You can enter/change the number of items on the order form
No 0 Gauge
Brass Slot Dome Head
Sorry - this item is currently unavailable    
0 1.5 2.7 6.35mm (1/4") SL0 10 MF-BWS20/10 £1.60

50 MF-BWS20/50 £7.20

Sorry - this item is currently unavailable    
0 1.5 2.7 9.5mm (3/8") SL0 10 MF-BWS21/10 £1.60

50 MF-BWS21/50 £7.20

New ! Metric 1.6mm
Brass Slot Dome Head
n/a 1.6 3.2 8.0mm SL0 10 MF-BWS80/10 £0.90

50 MF-BWS80/50 £4.00

n/a 1.6 3.2 12.0mm SL0 10 MF-BWS81/10 £1.20

50 MF-BWS81/50 £5.30

n/a 1.6 3.2 16.0mm SL0 10 MF-BWS82/10 £1.20

50 MF-BWS82/50 £5.30

No 1 Gauge
Brass Slot Dome Head
1 1.8 3.6 6.35mm (1/4") SL1 10 MF-BWS23/10 £0.90

50 MF-BWS23/50 £4.00

1 1.8 3.6 9.5mm (3/8") SL1 10 MF-BWS24/10 £0.90

50 MF-BWS24/50 £4.00

New ! Metric 2.0mm
Brass Slot Dome Head
n/a 2.0 4.0 8.0mm SL1 10 MF-BWS84/10 £0.90

50 MF-BWS84/50 £4.05

n/a 2.0 4.0 10.0mm SL1 10 MF-BWS83/10 £1.00

50 MF-BWS83/50 £4.50

n/a 2.0 4.0 12.0mm SL1 10 MF-BWS85/10 £1.20

50 MF-BWS85/50 £5.40

n/a 2.0 4.0 16.0mm SL1 10 MF-BWS86/10 £1.50

50 MF-BWS86/50 £6.75

No 2 Gauge
Brass Slot Dome Head
2 2.2 3.9 6.35mm (1/4") SL1 10 MF-BWS26/10 £0.90

50 MF-BWS26/50 £4.00

2 2.2 3.9 9.5mm (3/8") SL1 10 MF-BWS27/10 £0.90

50 MF-BWS27/50 £4.00

2 2.2 3.9 12.7mm (1/2") SL1 10 MF-BWS28/10 £0.90

50 MF-BWS28/50 £4.00

New ! Metric 2.5mm
Brass Slot Dome Head
n/a 2.5 5.0 8.0mm SL1 10 MF-BWS88/10 £0.90

50 MF-BWS88/50 £4.00

n/a 2.5 5.0 10.0mm SL1 10 MF-BWS87/10 £1.00

50 MF-BWS87/50 £4.50

    Sorry - this item is temporarily out of stock    
n/a 2.5 5.0 12.0mm SL1 10 MF-BWS89/10 £1.00

50 MF-BWS89/50 £4.50

n/a 2.5 5.0 16.0mm SL1 10 MF-BWS90/10 £1.40

50 MF-BWS90/50 £6.30

n/a 2.5 5.0 20.0mm SL1 10 MF-BWS91/10 £1.40

50 MF-BWS91/50 £6.30

No 4 Gauge
Brass Slot Dome Head
4 2.8 5.2 6.35mm (1/4") SL2 10 MF-BWS30/10 £0.95

50 MF-BWS30/50 £4.30

4 2.8 5.2 9.5mm (3/8") SL2 10 MF-BWS31/10 £0.95

50 MF-BWS31/50 £4.30

4 2.8 5.2 12.7mm (1/2") SL2 10 MF-BWS32/10 £0.95

50 MF-BWS32/50 £4.30

New ! Metric 3.0mm
Brass Slot Dome Head
n/a 3.0 5.7 10.0mm SL2 10 MF-BWS95/10 £0.90

50 MF-BWS95/50 £4.00

n/a 3.0 5.7 12.0mm SL2 10 MF-BWS96/10 £1.00

50 MF-BWS96/50 £4.40

n/a 3.0 5.7 16.0mm SL2 10 MF-BWS97/10 £1.00

50 MF-BWS97/50 £4.40

n/a 3.0 5.7 20.0mm SL2 10 MF-BWS98/10 £1.20

50 MF-BWS98/50 £5.30

No 6 Gauge
Brass Slot Dome Head
6 3.3 6.6 12.7mm (1/2") SL2 10 MF-BWS35/10 £1.20

50 MF-BWS35/50 £5.40

6 3.3 6.6 19mm (3/4") SL2


10 MF-BWS36/10 £1.20

50 MF-BWS36/50 £5.40

No 8 Gauge
Brass Slot Dome Head
8 3.9 7.9 19mm (3/4") SL3 10 MF-BWS39/10 £1.65

50 MF-BWS39/50 £7.50

  We are able to offer further discounts on these item for bulk purchases of 200 or more.
Please call or e mail us for details
8 3.9 7.9 25.4mm (1") SL3 10 MF-BWS40/10 £1.65

50 MF-BWS40/50 £7.50

* The dimensions stated are approximate and for guidance only.


Drivers suitable for use with our Woodscrews,  Self tapper and Countersunk panel screw range.
Phillips and slot tipped drivers quality 'Fatmax' Stanley screw drivers
with soft feel grips for comfortable use.
more drivers are listed on our self tapping screw page and our tools page

Images are generic - lengths and colours vary

Tip Style Suitable for Shaft Length (mm) MF Ref Price Each You can enter/change the number of items on the order form
No 0 and 1 Philips
drive self tappers.
50 MF-65204 £9.25

No 0 and 1 countersunk
 panel screws
No 2 Philips
drive self tappers
75 MF-65206 £9.25

No 2 & 4 countersunk
panel screws
  Sorry - this item is temporarily out of stock  
No 0 slot drive self tappers and No 0 and 1.6mm brass wood screws 50
(x2.5mm wide)
MF-65006 £6.45

No 2 slot drive
self tappers
(x3mm wide)
MF-64978 £7.45

No 1 & 2, 2.0mm & 2.5mm
Brass wood screws
No 4 and No 6  slot
drive self tappers
(x4mm wide)
MF-65017 £6.95

No 4, 6 and 3.0mm slot
Brass wood screws
No 4 and No 6  slot
drive self tappers
(x4mm wide)
MF-65093 £6.95

No 4, 6 and 3.0mm slot
Brass wood screws

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